Dancing On
Saturday, August 12th 12:30pm & 1pm
Dancing On… emerged from Cochise College Dance Club, with Tanya Biami as the advisor and AJ Biami as the president.
Their groups danced at several statewide venues, including the Arizona State Fair, Tombstone’s western events, Patagonia’s Fall Festival, Sierra Vista’s 4th of July Celebration, spreading their passion for dance and wellness.
Then COVID 19 happened, and the Dance Club was shut down.
Tanya was nearing retirement, so she started a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, called Dancing On…, to continue cultural dance performances and workshops in the community. The following states our mission, vision, and values:
Our mission:
Dancing on… cultivates cultural awareness, empowerment, and wellness by offering dance classes, workshops, and performances of culturally diverse dance styles.
Our vision:
Dancing on… will inspire people to become involved in wellness and in cultural diversity by creating a dynamic community of people united through dance.
Our values:
Cultural diversity – Celebrate the richness of multicultural dance movements and their meanings
Wellness – Promote physical health, musical coordination, and self-confidence through practicing dance routines
Learning – Expand awareness of diverse cultures and discover new and challenging dance choreography
Empowerment – Build self-reliance through improving the body-mind connection inherent in dance expression.
Both AJ and Tanya are on the Board of Directors, Tanya as the President and AJ as the Public Relations person. We aim to be interactive in our presentations, and our motto is demonstrate, educate, and participate.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!