Return of the Mermaids Parade
Saturday August 10th, 2024
Main St.
It's a Summer Shellabration!
Watch the parade from Main St OR participate by making an ocean themed light up costume!
Return of the Mermaids, Bisbee Pirate Weekend and Silver Sea present "The Great Mermaid Migration!" YOU! The participants are the Sea STAR of the show! Costumed merpeeple, Sea life, and Pirates (or a guardian holding the hand of a costumed child) join professional mermaid performers from Flam Chen lead the parade thru the heart of Old Bisbee.
The Mermaids will return this year in Bisbee, Arizona as the Tucson Mermaids seek cooler climates at Pirate Weekend August 9th - 11th.
"The Great Mermaid Migration" begins at 7:30pm August 10th. It's a whimsical parade featuring Flam Chen, Tucson Circus Arts, Lykiska Dance, and YOU! The Sea Star of the show is your bonny costumed self having a magical time with yer hearties as Bisbee becomes an under the sea Adventureland filled with Merpeeple and Pirates! Parade begins at 7:30 pm, line up at 7pm at the Iron Man (Statue) Tombstone Canyon Rd. We parade at 7:30pm so swim on out to Pirate Weekend and Return of the Mermaids in Bisbee Arizona!
Return of the Mermaids is a push/pull non motorized merpeeple powered parade. Walk the parade or use carts, wagons, mobility devices, electric power scooters, and bicycles. Light up the night with LEDs and lights but no fire please!